Xero's other waste of space

August 10, 2002


Filed under: General — Xero @ 8:39 pm

well I was just messing around with this cool synthesizer program and it’s pretty damn cool. I need like a sequencer now or something. I was trying to play Lichen from SAW2 but the synth just doesn’t get that soft. APHEX WHY ARE YOU SO…I dunno, custom? I don’t know fucking anyone who can make synths like that I need a synth like the one aphex has. He probably made it himself too just so it’s impossible for me to have one. God damn. Well you know maybe I can’t have aphex’s synth or anything BUT I CAN HAVE A CAT. Hopefully soon, I can wait. Anyways now I’m looking at some drum machines those are fun too. I wish I had a bunch of money I’d buy all this crap. Oh well.

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